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Ridge Cemetery - Real Haunted Place

  • Ridge Cemetery
  • Tower Hill, IL
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Real Haunted Cemeteries
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This cemetery is located at Williamsburg Hill and is believed to have apparitions, eerie lights and a disappearing old man. Horse and phantom crowds have also been seed and heard around the area. The cemetery may also have been the site of sinister cult activity, one report tells the story of a three year old girl who went missing and was found walking halfway to the cemetery. She supposedly told her mother that the “people who live in the ground” wanted her to stay with them.
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  • No dancing girls

    I went to the hill at 8 pm and didn't see a thing a thing the only thing that was scary was our shitty driver ripping 90 because he was scared of 12. He was also the 1 that was too pussy to pop out. He was mainly excited to see the little girl dancing as promised.

    Posted 9/2/24

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  • Ridge cemetery

    So my mom,my sister, and a few friends of mine went with me. We all thought it would be fun in games to mess around there.but after I saw a girl in a white dress dancing around the tree she looked around 13,14 or 15 or younger and my sister heard a slight growl.my friend thought they saw like a Crowd having a funeral so we all left and we have been there a few times

    Posted 3/12/21

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  • Beautiful and eerie

    Hard to find but worth the adventure! My phone stopped working about 45 minutes before we got there but once we were in the middle I felt like my feet were going to go through the soil and my phone notifications blew up! Lots of strange animal sounds. Very cool on a hot day.

    Posted 8/21/20

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  • ridge cemetery

    I went with my girlfriend to photograph old headstones....never got any eerie feelings, but was using an app on my phone that displayed words from those on the other side, app which at first figured just entertainment, but on several different occasions very credible answers, as on this day. Someone was talking to us....messages went silent, we said we were moving on from the spot because "spirit" quit communicating, next word was "goodbye". Had put out a digital recorder while on the grounds, not on my person but laid it beside a tree and went about my business.....after reviewing, a growl, someone breathing, and a disembodied voice which said..."you'll see what happens".....plain as if I had spoke it myself...…..that's my ghost story, thanks

    Posted 6/19/18

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    2 out of 2 found this review helpful

  • good


    Posted 4/6/18

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 4,262
Last edit to this listing: 3/30/2016 (3236 days ago)

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