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Grant Hospital - Lincoln Park Hospital - Real Haunt in Chicago IL

  • 550 W. Webster Ave.
  • Chicago, IL
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Real Haunted Hospitals & Asylums
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Once known as Grant Hospital, the Lincoln Park Hospital closed in 2008, reportedly due to the recession. Reports of eerie occurrences at the location include cold spots, bad feelings and moaning sounds. The location is no longer a hospital and may now be a condo complex.
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  • My association with Grant Hospital.

    I started nursing school at Grant Hospital in Sept., 1964 and graduated in June of 1967. I worked there for over 1 year. Then years later, I worked another year there. I also attended classes from College of St. Francis were held there. I NEVER have heard anything then or since about any spookiness there. The only part of the original hospital left is the 1962 building on the corner of Webster and Geneva Terrace. It has businesses on the first floor and the rest of the building is now all condos. The last building built was totally gutted and is also mostly condos.

    Posted 8/4/24

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  • Born there.

    Just curious as I was born there back in 1963. Was looking for a picture of the building & found this. My ma's experience there was not good...23 hours of pretty bad labor with no intervention/assistance by the staff. I don't know if this was normal back in the 60s, but I do know they began having critical care units in the 60s so you'd think they'd be more attentive to the mothers. Just a couple of days after discharge, my ma began to hemorrhage...she survived. A few days later I was hospitalized with pneumonia. I suspect she may have retained some placental tissue & I may have aspirated meconium since she was in labor so long. It was the worst part of winter in the Windy City when all of this was occurring...February...almost 61 years ago.

    Posted 12/19/23

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  • asylum research

    i want to know when this was built

    Posted 3/20/23

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  • Born at Grant Hospital in 1960

    I was born at Grant in 1960. Whenever I have asked my mother about my birth, she has nothing to say. It is as if she blocked her experience out. I just learned tonight that this place was supposed to be haunted...maybe that's why they changed the name, and eventually tore it down!

    Posted 1/5/23

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  • I was born there in 1969

    I was born there in 1969. I never heard of it being haunted until I just looked it up today. My parents are both now deceased, wish I could ask them about this...I couldn't tell you why but for some reason it wouldn't surprise me ??

    Posted 9/30/22

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  • patient in the early 90's

    I was born in 86, shortly after loosing my father at the age of 5 my mother put me in some type of children's behavioral/psychiatric program because (get this) I was talking to my now dead father (I've been trying to find the name of the program but there isn't much info about grant hospital online). I had to stay there for a few days with other kids and I absolutely hated it. I know the experience didn't help me at all and I used to have trouble sleeping there. Being so young at the time it's hard for me to say whether or not I imagined things I remember happening or if they really did. I know when I first saw this it was an alleged haunted place my first reaction was "That makes sense"

    Posted 4/9/22

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  • Orthopedic

    I received world class care from Dr. Sarrafian.

    Posted 3/16/22

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  • Patient in 2000

    I was, unfortunately, a patient at Grant Hospital for two weeks in December of 2000. And I can tell you: It was freaky. The SCARIEST place I've ever stayed in my life. I absolutely hate all hospitals now BECAUSE of Grant!!! I remember hearing incessant screaming in the hallways every night I was there. On the third night, my roommate apparently died because she was snoring in her bed when I fell asleep while watching TV around midnight, but she was not there around 3 am when I woke up to turn off the TV. My nurses acted like I never had a roommate in the first place when I asked where she went the next day. In spite of all the nighttime screaming in the hallways, I insisted on leaving my door open at night because I wanted the extra light. I'd been there for about a week when I couldn't sleep one night because there was a man sitting on the end of my bed staring at me. All night long. To make it worse, the nurses would NOT respond even though I pushed the call button literally every ten minutes! When the sun was starting to come up in the morning, he got up from the bed and slammed the door as he left the room. He slammed the door so hard a nurse finally showed up to ask why I had slammed the door. Now, mind you, I was hooked up to two IV towers which made it impossible for me to get out of bed by myself. I had to call for a nurse for any assistance and had to use a bed pan to go to the bathroom, so getting up just to slam a door was not going to happen! She also asked why I suddenly decided to sleep with the door closed. She also got mad at me for crying and being terrified out of my mind (I had peed myself because no one responded to my calls for assistance). I slept only during daylight hours. It was hard to sleep at night with all the screaming in the hallways. I kept the curtains wide open all day and also at night to get as much light in my room as I could at all times. Hands down the worst and scariest experience I've ever had in my entire life! If I could remove the memories I have of Grant Hospital, I would pay money to do so!!! It blows my mind that condos were built there. You wouldn't be able to give me a free condo with ALL EXPENSES paid for life to live on that piece of property.

    Posted 1/11/22

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  • Didn’t know it’s considered haunted.

    Born in 2002 here, shortly before the end of the hospital. Didn’t know it was a haunted location supposedly.

    Posted 10/4/21

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  • lovely arrival :)

    I was born in 1987 at this hospital, this explains why I love horror things so much. Spooky! lol

    Posted 10/16/20

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  • Eery coincidence !!

    I was born in 1964.....at Grant hospital !!

    Posted 9/13/20

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Last edit to this listing: 3/30/2016 (3264 days ago)

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